Radio Piece about »We Want Them Back« at Deutschland Funk Kultur
We shared some Insights about the App we developed and designed alongside with Merel Fuchs from the Koordinierungsstelle (Decolonize Berlin e.V). The Radio Piece is online here:
Plural Knowledge in the Digital
Alisa and Danielle from our Team spend one week in Nairobi in order to workshop with African Digital Heritage and Talking Objects Team about Plural Knowledge in the Digital.
Interview for »I saw the Sign« Documentary
As designers, we engage daily with the field of visual representation—its political impact, potential, and inherent risks. We’re excited to share some of our insights in the 5-part documentary I SAW THE SIGN on ARTE. Watch here:
Visual and Curatorial Methodologies
»Understanding, Visualizing and Deconstructing Colonial Continuities – Visual and Curatorial Methodologies as a Tool for Empowerment and Resistance in Museum Contexts« Keynote for the Conference »Die Präsenz des Unsichtbaren — ZUR NEUBEWERTUNG ETHNOGRAFISCHER FOTOGRAFIE IN KUNSTMUSEEN« at Kunstmuseum Folkwang
School of Not-Knowing (civic city)
Happy to had the opportunity to make a guest lecture for the summer school »school of not knowing« by ruedi and vera baur at the Museum für Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt.
Counter Data and Mapping Tools / Critical Mapping in Municipalist Movements
As part of the practice-oriented research project »Critical Mapping in Municipalist Movements« we held a talk about Counter Data and Mapping Tools together with the whole CMMM Team at the 4th International Social Housing Festival in Barcelona.
Whole Talk here:
Email: echo[at]
Phone: 0049 (0)30 2245 8600
visual intelligence
and communication gbr
Rosales & Coenen
Perleberger Strasse 10,
10559 Berlin
part of
civic city
integral designers